Aquafil sustainability report 2011
Sustainability report 2011

Visions, milestones, obstacles and achievements have all been features of our journey towards sustainability started five years ago.
Today, when I look back and assess our achievements so far, I can say that I am truly proud. The United Nations declared 2011 “The International Year of Chemistry” laying down a host of challenges. Sustainable chemistry, impact reduction and product and process innovation.

These are just some of the major challenges facing our sector and I think it is fair to say that the Aquafil Group is today among the leaders in implementing these objectives in the world of synthetic fibres and plastic polymers.
It is thanks to our sustainability policies and the commitment of all our Group personnel that we continue to achieve outstanding results year after year. We have made substantial reductions in our consumption of fossil fuels and water.

We have cut our emissions of CO2 and climate altering gases. We have dealt with the issue of waste by increasing the percentage of separated waste and making reductions in the use of packaging. We are, and we will always be, a real example of how to construct truly sustainable changes. The many projects, large and small, that we have launched in these years have all had the potential to bring about real, substantial innovation in the Nylon 6 and polymer material sectors.